Sunday, May 13

Mother's Day

How was your Mother's Day?
Mine was fantastic.

Around 6:15 Mr. Orange came into the room and started whispering to Mr. Blue.  I promptly fell back to sleep and did not stir until 7:45 when Mr. Blue and the kids came into the room singing, "Happy Mother's Day to You!"  Mr. Blue was carrying a tray full of breakfast so I sat up and wiped the sleep out of my eyes while he set it on my lap.  He and the kids had made me waffles and fruit.  Yum.  Miss Pink cuddled up beside me and stole a waffle off my plate before I could even pick up my fork.  You snooze you lose I guess.  :)

Mr. Orange could barely wait for me to finish eating before he said, "Mom, now it's time for your scavenger hunt!"  I followed the clues until they led to Miss Pink's closet.  (There has been a sign on her door that said - DO NOT ENTER please.)  Inside the closet were some cards and some flowers.  Each of the kids picked out a bouquet of flowers for me.  It was very sweet.

(Mr. Blue told me that as soon as Mr. Orange woke him up, Mr. Orange put him to work.  He chose pictures off the computer to use as the cards, helped Mr. Blue make the waffles and then Mr. Orange sliced my strawberries and oranges so that they would look "fancy".  He also made up all of the scavenger hunt clues.)

The kids were wonderful the entire day.  They were even (somewhat) perfect angels at church.

After church they treated me to some delicious frozen burritos.
Then we needed to get out of the house so we walked to the park across the street.  I handed my big camera to Mr. Orange and he snapped away.  (I'll post some of his pics another day.)  I absolutely loved watching him take pictures.  He would get so excited about every shot.
I did have him take a picture of me.
Hey, why not?  It's my day - and my family always teases me that there are never any pictures of me ANYWHERE!
 The kids spent a lot of time up in the trees and on top of the slides at the park.
 All too soon it was time to come home.
The kids chose what they wanted to make for me.
We had:
(white) pasta with Mr. Blue's sauce
(I was allowed in the kitchen long enough to make a zucchini/avocado salad)

I was definitely spoiled.

I am so grateful that I am a mother to these two.  They teach me so much and help me to see the "bigger picture".  I love them with all of my heart.  Throughout the day they would give me little hugs and kisses, hold my hand or look at me and say, "I love you".  It just doesn't get any better than that.

My Mother's Day post would be incomplete if I didn't talk about two other mother's.

I love my mom.  I don't know very many mother's out there who still plan parties, complete with games, for their 30+ year old kids, but my mom sure does.  I love parties at her house.  She has helped me through so many things and always has a listening ear.  I love showing up at her office, with kids in tow, and she acts like she has all the time in the world for us.  She is a wonderful mother and I love her.  You can read more about her awesomeness here.

I also love Mr. Blue's mom.  I know people don't like to admit that they love their mother's-in-law, but I really do.  My MIL has treated me like her own daughter since day one.  She inspires me by the way that she sees beauty in everyone and everything.  She loves the Gospel and bears her testimony frequently to her children and, more importantly, her grandchildren.  It is always a treat to be around her and I love her.


geri said...

I love, love, love that picture of you, so beautiful :)

Lynn said...

Hey Lovely Karen, Thanks for the sweet shout-out to the two Moms. It made me happy.
Love you

Lynn said...

Hey Lovely Karen, Thanks for the sweet shout-out to the two Moms. It made me a happy MIL.
Love you


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