Friday, May 10

Trumpet Tune - Spring Recital 2013

Mr. Orange finished his 3rd year of Let's Play Music last spring.  He started with a new piano teacher in the fall and I really wasn't satisfied with her.  Mr. Orange only wants to play the piano, and in the future the violin.  I begged some friends to tell me who their child was taking from and I was able to sneak Mr. Orange in with her in March.  I love, love, love his new teacher.  She has been fabulous.  I'll admit, it has been a bit intense (for me), but he loves taking lessons from her and he has improved a lot in the short time he has been with her.

For the past several weeks he has been working on his recital piece, Trumpet Tune.  He practiced it backwards and forwards, inside out and upside down.  Well, maybe not upside down, but just about.  :)  He was very excited when he found out that his cousin from Wisconsin would be here for the recital.
 Here they are putting on their best recital faces....
 And this is how they usually look.  ;)
 We arrived early and Mr. Orange practiced a bit (and we were able to take pictures).  I asked him if he was ready and he sort of rolled his eyes at me and said, "Yes.  Of course I am."  Duh!  Why would I think any different?
He did so well and I am so proud of him.  
I am so grateful for our family members who were able to be there to support him.  It meant a lot to him.
I love this little guy (who is growing up way, way, way too quickly!!!!).

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