Sunday, April 29

Let's Play Music Recital - Miss Pink

 Last night it was Miss Pink's turn to shine.

She has also been involved in Let's Play Music this past year and has just ended her first year.  I can't believe how much she has learned in such a short time.  Mr. Blue and I were really surprised by how well she did during her recital.  (She has been pretty shy this past year!)
Photo courtesy of father-in-law
Before the recital she told me her plan:
"First I am going to hum the song, really loud.  Then I will start to sing the words quietly, then I will get loud and will do the actions too."

It was fun to watch her hum and then join in on the singing and actions.
Photo courtesy of father-in-law
 She played a piece on the bells with another student and she did so well.
She was right on beat the entire time!

I think I shed a tear or two watching her.
You know that feeling, when you know your child is really nervous to do something, but they go up and do it anyway, and do a totally awesome job doing it?  Yeah, I had that feeling.  Way to go Miss Pink!!
Miss T. has been an amazing teacher.
We are looking forward to two more years!!

1 comment:

geri said...

Love it! So bummed we don't have a similar program near here. Way to go Miss Pink!


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